Why South Sea pearls?

Over the centuries, pearls have acquired a rich and varied history. Finding a pearl was considered a miracle of nature. Over time, man has developed a cultivation process to help this unique gem grow and thrive. Today, most pearls sold in the world are cultivated.
Among all the pearls of the world, there are some that are more precious and venerable. In crystal-clear waters where the temperature is mild and the atmospheric conditions are optimal, there is a pearl with a strange perfection that leaves an exceptional imprint: the South Sea pearl.
The South Sea pearl is the result of two years of love and silence inside the growing oyster, called the Pinctada Maxima (known as the "silver or golden lip"). When the pearl is harvested, this little miracle of nature is worth the long wait.
Each pearl is judged and assessed for:
The shape: South Sea pearls come in a wide variety of shapes, making them a difficult gem to classify without the help of an expert eye.
It is a product of nature, therefore each pearl is individual and unique. Its shape can be: round, near-round, oval, buttoned, baroque and circled baroque.
The size: These pearls are known for their large size, ranging from 8.5 to 20 millimetres. The 'Pinctada Maxima' oyster is the largest of its kind, and the 'Pinctada Margaritifera' also reaches a similar size.
Generally, pearls are measured with a gauge with an accuracy of 0.01 millimetres.
Lustre: As in all things, beauty comes from within, the greatest virtue of a South Sea pearl is its lustre, which is the combination of surface brightness and inner brightness. South Sea pearls are made up of many thin layers of a crystalline substance called nacre, which is composed of organic (conchyoline) and inorganic (aragonite) materials secreted by the animal that lives in the oyster. The quality and thickness of the nacre gives light and reflection.
This effect is called the Orient the combination of the reflection of light on its surface and the reflective light makes this gem unique.
The lustre is considered the soul of the pearl.