Diamond is a pure carbon crystal whose atoms are arranged in a cubic crystal system, (the word diamond comes from the Greek word αδάμας, "adamas" which means invincible or unalterable), it is the hardest of the bodies, it is usually colourless, although fancy colours also exist. It is the most precious of the gems and has a great luminosity when carved. The criteria for judging the value of a diamond are: carat, cut, clarity and colour.
Most natural diamonds are formed under extreme pressure and temperature conditions, at depths of 140 to 190 kilometres in the earth's mantle. Minerals containing carbon originate from this element, and require between 1 and 3.3 billion years to grow, which is approximately 25-75% of the Earth's age. Diamonds are transported near the Earth's surface by deep volcanic eruptions of their magma, which cools in igneous rocks known as kimberlites and lamproites.

Rough diamond
Diamonds can be identified by their high thermal conductivity. Their high refractive index is also indicative, but other materials have similar refractive properties.
The different sizes of diamond:

Brilliant Oval Pear Marquise Princess Heart Baguette Emerald Cushion
The Brilliant Cut
The brilliant cut is mathematically designed to give the diamond maximum brilliance but also dispersion. In the brilliant cut, the correct angles are set to give the crown and breech facets maximum brilliance, while maintaining the proper proportions. The term brilliant can be used separately.
When we speak of a brilliant diamond, we mean, and this is accepted internationally, that it is a brilliant cut diamond.

Our creations with diamonds